Privacy Policy

We think it's super important to have control over who has access to your data. That means you don't want your boss to have your office email or your friend's phone number, and it also means that there are people out there who shouldn't have access to your info.

Please take a look at the following to get a better idea of how we'll be collecting, using, and keeping your info. It'll also tell you how you can decide how your info is used, accessed, and changed.

Personal Information

Basically, "Personal Information" means anything that's related to a person you know or can identify. That could be anything from their name, address, phone number, email address, identification number, location info, online identity, or something else that's specific to them.

Your personal information and sensitive personal information are confidential. "Sensitive Personal Information" includes things like your race or ethnicity, political views, religion, philosophy, or affiliation with a union, the use of genetic or biometric data to identify you uniquely, and any information about your health, sex, or sexuality. "Other Information" is anything that isn't Personal Information or sensitive Personal Information. That includes anything that's not anonymized or "aggregate" information, or that's not publicly available and isn't combined with Personal Information.

We may collect your Personal Information in the following circumstances:

When you use the Service, we'll get some extra info about you or how you use the Service. We can collect this info through different ways, like...

How Do We Use the Information We Collect?

We use your personal info and other info we get from our Service for a few different reasons.

What Information Do We Share With Third Parties?

Other users you connect with on the Service

At its core, NetworkCount Service lets you share your personal info with other people and get their personal info back. When you invite someone to join you, either through the Service's interface or by sending them a QR code or some other personal identifier, your info will be sent to other people who see or use that code, link, or identifier. You can choose how much info you want to share using the settings inside the Service.

Service Providers, Agents and Related Third Parties

Sometimes we team up with other businesses to help us give you the Service. This could be a third-party payment processor, a company that sends emails for us, a cloud-hosting provider, or any other service provider that works with us. They only get the info they need to do their job, and they won't use your personal info to do what we want them to do. We make sure to keep them as private as possible, and this Privacy Policy applies to them too.

Legal Processes

We can also give out your Personal Information when we have a legal obligation to, or if we think it's in our best interest to, do so. For example, if we need to comply with a law or legal process, or if we need to respond to a subpoena, warrant, or court order. If we think it's necessary to protect us or others' rights, property, or safety. If we're trying to enforce or enforce a Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, or any other agreement.

Business Transfers

We can also share your Personal Information with you when we're legally obligated to or if we feel it's in your best interest. For instance, when we need to follow a law or go through a legal process. Or when we need to answer a subpoena, a warrant, or a court order. Or when we think it needs to be done to protect ourselves or other people's rights, stuff, or security. Or when we're enforcing or trying to enforce a privacy policy, terms of service, or anything else.


We work with some third parties to gather the Other Information mentioned above and to do analysis, audit, study, and report. These third parties can use web logs, web beacons, set and access cookies, or use similar tracking tech on your computer or any other device.

Google API usage

If you use or transfer information from Google APIs to any other application, you must follow Google's Terms of Use, which includes the "Lifetime Use" requirement.

Aggregated information

We may share some demographic information about our users with our partners. This doesn't mean we know who each user is. We don't link this aggregate user info with personal info. Our Privacy Policy doesn't limit or restrict how we collect and use aggregate user data.

User Communications

You can give us an email address of someone else so that we can invite them to sign up for our Service. By giving us their email address, you give us the impression that you have their permission to give us their email address. We can give out their email address if we need to for legal reasons, as mentioned above.

Links to Other Sites

Our Service may contain links to other sites. Any Personal Information you provide on the linked pages is provided directly to that third party and is subject to that third party’s privacy policy. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to such linked sites, and we are not responsible for the content or privacy and security practices and policies of these sites or any other sites that are linked to from our Service.

What Steps Do We Take To Protect Your Information?

We use reasonable physical, technical, and administrative security measures to protect your Personal Information in an effort to prevent loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. Please be aware, however, that despite our efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and no method of data transmission can be guaranteed against any interception or other type of misuse.

What Choices Do You Have Regarding the Use of Your Information?

If you don't want us to use your Personal Information, you can tell us in writing at If you do, we won't be able to send you any marketing or promotional emails. But if you choose to opt out, we can still send you stuff like emails about your NetworkCount account or our business.

Your Rights: Reviewing, Changing or Deleting Your Information

You can check, update, correct, or delete your Personal Information from within the Service, or by email to You also give us permission to delete your Personal Information when it's not necessary for the Service, on your behalf and according to your account preferences. If you've shared your personal info with others and they haven't deleted it, or if it's been copied or saved by other users, NetworkCount won't be responsible for deleting it.

Retention of Your Information

We retain information for as long as reasonably necessary to deliver our Service to you or to fulfill the purposes described in this Policy. You may delete the Personal Information in your account as described above. Please note that, in limited circumstances, we may retain information for a longer period of time as required by law.

Lawful Bases for Processing

We will only collect and process Personal Information about you where we have lawful bases. Our lawful bases include consent (where you have given consent), contract (where processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you, such as when you purchase a subscription to the Service) and our legitimate interests (such as to comply with applicable laws and enable or administer our business).

Information for California Residents

If you're under 18 and a California resident, you have the right to ask us to remove any content and information you post to our Service. All you have to do is email us at and give us a brief description of what you want us to take down. Keep in mind, though, that this doesn't necessarily mean we'll take down everything you post, since some stuff might still end up in our databases or be visible in a way that doesn't show who you are, or might have been reposted by someone else.


If you're under 13, our Services aren't for you. We don't intentionally collect personal info from kids under 13. If you know your kid has given us their info, just let us know at If we find out your kid gave us their info, we'll remove it from our files.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

It's possible that NetworkCount's Privacy Policy will change over time. If we make any changes, we'll let you know on this page, with an "effective date" that tells you when the changes will go into effect. It's a good idea to check this Privacy Policy regularly.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us: By email:
